Tuesday, March 15, 2011

Emotional PRe teens...can't avoid them

It took me several days to post “My over reactive hormonal pre teen”……

Final I clicked post this morning, and then guess what……… it happened again. It cracks me up the way things just kind of go like that.

This morning I was upstairs feeding the baby (who was asleep before Sean started yelling)…Sean, John (brother) and 3 friends were packed and ready to go to school, as they walked out the door poor Sean realized he had forgotten his jacket.

SO, he came inside and world war 3 erupted as he went on a rampage about his jacket. It was not where he left it, he went from person to person calling them freak’n retards, (we don’t let them use the word freak’n or retard!)After his rampage had though roughly awakened the baby I called him to me.

Soooo… there I am Wondering…How do I handle this when I am here with my boob hanging out to feed the baby, half dressed, and I have not finished my first cup of coffee.

Cleverly I start by mention of the inappropriate language, then I asked why he was yelling, “they stole my jacket or they lost it but it is not where I left it”….so I dove in, “Where did you leave you jacket?”

His response , “In the middle of the stairs…”

So, I am thinking to myself, the kid deserves to lose his jacket, I would have put in the giveaway pile if I found it on the stairway, ,,,,,, then he stats to yell at me, “You are always on their side”……

Decidedly I take a new tactic

“So, Sean why don’t you wear one of the other hoodies you have?”


Once again I change tactics and start off…..

“Sean, remember when we talked about hygiene? Well what do you think other people would say about your hygiene if you wear the same clothes and jacket to school every day?”

Finally we hit pay dirt; We have a rapid learning conversation, he agrees to continue to school without further incident, and I remind him that we will be discussing his temper, and language when he gets home from school

SO, now he is home from school and I find out that he left his jacket at his friends house! SO he harshly harassed 3 brothers, one sister, two friends, and one mom accusing us of something only to find out he did not know where he left it in the first place.

The jacket, it is in the gifting pile never to return to his closet,

The laundry fact in our house is if you don’t put it away it goes away. This was my solution to the whole having the kid’s put the clean laundry pack into the dirty laundry hamper. So now they don’t get the opportunity to keep more than they are willing to properly care for

Works for me

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