Thursday, March 24, 2011

We did it....and it was good

We did it! We fed the youth, and made it through even though my oven malfunctioned.

As we were leavening I thought some very selfish thoughts. My mind goes I to things with a pure heart and walks away all about me. I was very satisfied knowing that we made dinner for thirty – five youth and fifteen adults, I was also satisfied that we were able to cook, feed, and clean in two hours. The best part was I got to go home and not need to clean my kitchen…..or so I thought.

The final thought I had was the one that made me think “what is your motivation”….

See I have given service to others.

What is wrong with the feeling of satisfaction when I am done with a good job at a good work? I don’t know, yet for some reason when I walk away feeling good about myself for the things I can do, It is emidiatly followed by a since of guilt for the “thinking” I have…

Here is my thought after it all has passed.

The youth had a great healthy meal, I had a great time preparing it for them, my family had a great time serving them, and I still got to go home to a clean kitchen  It was definitely an all win situation.

How I think about it afterward?....?....?

It is the thinking afterwards that makes it better next time. I always think about how things went after the fact. It is how I learn, improve, and at times savor the success of a task.

They savored my food I savored the feeling of giving them good food!

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